Join Our Board
AEZIRA's board is open to any person regardless of race, color, religion or creed, age, sex, national origin, handicap or disability, ancestry, sexual orientation, or marital status. Members are elected to serve a two-year term. They are eligible to serve up to 3 terms.
We accept board applications year-round. Previous board experience is strongly recommended. Elections are held during the 4th quarter of the fiscal year, which ends July 31st.
The Board may appoint a vetted candidate outside of the election cycle if the board is below its minimum composition or if the organization would sooner benefit from a candidate with a valuable skill, credential, or experience.
Join Our Board
Board Member Responsibilities
If you are interested in joining the board, please plan on devoting an average of 6 hours a month to meetings and assignments. Please allow for schedule flexibility as many of the board meetings occur during the day. Board members will be expected to serve as a public advocate for the mission and values of AEZIRA. At times this could mean speaking up for change that others are resisting.